A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

We hope you enjoy this current build of Project Juggler! If you have problems with downloading and playing Project Juggler, please drop a message in our discord's playtesting channel or message @quigquonk on discord for assistance. Please note that Project Juggler is currently in the beginning stages of development, so builds on this page are still just prototypes.

Project Juggler is a game being developed for the UCSC CMPM 171-172 capstone series.  As the troubled young pilot of the battle-mech Juggler, the player fights monsters and personal problems alike across a vibrant, action-packed cityscape. Master control of the Juggler and your convoluted responsibilities to save the city!


ProjectJuggler_Playtest030724_Windows.zip 40 MB
ProjectJuggler_Playtest030724_Mac.zip 51 MB
cassieRecord.zip 43 MB

Install instructions

Please install a version of Project Juggler corresponding to the correct operating system for your computer. To play, extract the contents of the zip folder and run "ProjectJuggler.exe".